Glass Fiber

Glass Fiber: Innovative Reinforcement for Concrete

Modern construction has found a revolutionary solution to enhance the strength and properties of concrete - it's the addition of micro-reinforcing construction fibers. This innovative material significantly simplifies and speeds up the construction process, giving objects strength, durability, and reliability.

Advantages of Glass Fiber for Concrete

Combining concrete with fibers has made working with the material more convenient and improved its quality, providing resistance to deformations and various temperature impacts, as well as increasing strength and wear resistance. Glass fiber is actively used for decorative finishing work and plastering. It is applied in creating various facade elements and decorations, and adding it to different concrete mixtures saves materials and reduces the likelihood of cracks during construction. Moreover, it is an inexpensive and readily available material.

Pros of Glass Fiber for Concrete Structures

Reinforcing Concrete with Glass Fiber

Fiber reinforcement reduces the risk of cracks developing during the stretching of concrete structures and products, reduces deformation from shrinkage and creep, provides higher water impermeability and frost resistance, and increases the impact toughness of the concrete matrix as a whole.

Thus, using glass fiber to reinforce concrete has provided the construction industry with a powerful tool to create reliable and high-quality structures.

Applicable areas

Building & Construction


Road construction

Marine structures

Reinforcement of walls